Chippendale World Art ResidencesChippendale World Art Residency | WINNERS

Paul Davies Everything Loose Will Land in LA

Credit: Paul Davies, Everything Loose Will Land in LA / Double Golden Gully, U.V. Cured ink print, acrylic copolymer & acrylic on canvas, 48 x 70 inches

Paul Davies is an Australian artist living & working in Los Angeles. Davies completed a Masters by research at the UNSW College of Art & Design in 2014 before moving to the US. In his work ‘Everything Loose Will Land in LA/ Double Golden Gully, Davies explores the shared connection between Sydney & his new home, Los Angeles - ‘something of an El Dorado for actors, filmmakers, artists etc.’

From the Artist:
“The native Australian gum trees scattered throughout Los Angeles remind me of the ‘gold rush’ link between both places & how, in a way, this is happening today, as many Australians are drawn to ‘Hollywood’. Australia’s gold rush began after Edward Hargraves noticed the landscapes producing gold in California were also in Australia.”

>> See more of Paul Davies work


Lawrence Wallen The Fractured Landscape

Credit: Lawrence Wallen - The Fractured Landscape of Subasio II - Tempera, Ink, Graphite on Paper - 300cm x 84cm (detail)

Prof. Dr Lawrence Wallen (BArch (Hons), MArch (Research), DCA) is currently the Head of the Design School at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia (UTS). The Fractured Landscape of Subasio 2 comprises four books with a total of 92 drawings arranged as a single work. The work realised on paper in a concertina format using ink, graphite & tempera allows the 23 individual drawings per book to fold out to a drawing with a size of 299 cm x (21cm x 4).

From the artist:
“Wallen’s many-layered drawings are visually split with the central rupture becoming the pivotal motive across the sequence of drawings. The tension between colour field & empty space, inspired by the nature as much as by the art history of the area reveals the tortured territory that exists between historical & personal topographies.”


Suzanne Chamlin Olive, oil
Credit: Suzanne Chamlin, Olive, OIl on Canvas, 14 x 18 inches, 2017

Based in Brooklyn, Suzanne Chamlin received her M.F.A. from Yale University in 1989 & her B.A. from Barnard College in 1985. Chamlin’s works are in the collections of the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C; The Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven; & the Nelson Atkins Museum, in Kansas City, Missouri. She is a recipient of residencies at the Albers Foundation, Yaddo, the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, the Ragdale Foundation, Fundacion Valparaiso in Spain, & the Edna St. Vincent Millay Colony.

From the artist:
“The first stage of my painting process is a meditation & translation of what I see, & later I imagine into the space. I make changes until the piece feels like it has a sense of place. In my recent paintings, I am interested in the reduction of forms as a way to simplify & allow light & atmosphere to prevail.”

>> View more of Suzanne Chamlins work


After an overwhelming response of over 100 entries from around the world, the panel of esteemed judges Dr. Stanley Quek, Professor Anita Taylor, Professor Raphael Rubinstein & President of the CCP, Nicky Ginsberg, announced that Paul Davies, Suzanne Chamlin & Lawrence Wallen will receive a shared $10 000 Residency Prize to the highly anticipated NG Art Creative Residency in Eygalières, Provence FRANCE!

It is with great pleasure that Nicky Ginsberg is sponsoring a 4th prize to runner up & highy commended Daniel Shaw, who displayed great talent & artistic prowess, a 3 week residency in Eygalieres, Provence.

For the first time, CWAR accepted international entries for the prize, & are especially chuffed at the incredible talent displayed by artists from all corners of the globe. CCP would like to congratulate the innovation & skill of ALL who submitted a painted landscape to CWAR as the judges deliberated long and hard before making their final decision.

The winners will be asked to donate 1 work of a Provencal scene to the Chippendale Creative Precinct.

With over 100 entries from around the world, Greencliff have handpicked a couple of our favourites below,

View & buy many of the 40 finalists online

These are the artists who showed the greatest technical skill, originality & passion. Peruse the forty, pick your favourite & purchase finalists’ work critiqued by the likes of Professor Raphael Rubinstien, Professor Anita Taylor, Dr. Stanley Quek & Nicky Ginsberg!

See the entire 40 at Chippendale Creative website click here or to purchase artwork email

 Coco Elder Reflections of Ericicolia

Credit: Coco Elder, Reflections of Ericicolia - America Bay, Oil on Board Carved, 90x60cm, $3500

Desolate IICredit: Somg Misim, Desolate II Hanji (Korean Mulberry Paper) & Acrylic on Canvas,  91x107cm, NFS

 Ray Monde Stay where I can keep an eye on you

Credit: Ray Monde, Stay where I can keep an eye on you, Collage & synthetic polymer pain on canvas, 76x76cm, NFS

Now you can vote for the Peoples Choice Award 

Now is YOUR chance to have your say by voting for the CWAR People’s Choice Award! Flex your critiquing muscles, put on your judge’s wig and vote for your favourite entry for this year’s Chippendale World Art Residency! Vote & be in the draw to win dinner for two at Bistrot Gavroche, Kensington Street!
With such a broad range of technical & painterly skill exhibited by this year's submitting artists, we wish you luck in picking just one!

To vote head to Chippendale Creative Art Residency instagram @CWAR_2017 & like your favourite artwork!

Bistrot Gavroche are offering voters a chance to dine on the house on fine French fare in their heavenly slice of Paris on Kensington Street!


The Chippendale Creative Precinct (CCP) is a non-profit organisation established in 2010, founded to promote Chippendale as a creative cluster and cultural hub.

Please visit for more information on upcoming events.


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